Likewise it can be used as a cardiovascular upper body workout for paraplegics, amputees or people who suffer from other physical handicaps. Used MONARK Upper Lower body Arm Ergometer Rehab Trainer Physical Therapy 881E 1 Physical Therapy Unit For Sale - DOTmed Listing 2626891: Includes. Leg and arm cycle used for exercise and rehab work by the physically impaired or handicapped, or for those wanting upper body. It's flexibility as an upper or lower body ergometer makes it extremely useful for patients who are confined to wheelchairs or who use walking aids. Monark Rehab Trainer model 881 E is an arm and leg ergometer. The Monark Rehab Trainer is especially important for people who have been hospitalized and require rehabilitation based on reliable measuring methods. Graduated scale in watts Bi-directional operation Includes handgrips and pedals The Monark Rehab Trainer is ideal for those with handicaps of the lower. It is suitable for use either in the home or. Exclusive North American Importer The Monark 881E is the worlds most widely used test bike for fitness tests and work tests. The Monark Rehab Trainer can be used by physically handicapped patients such as para-plegics and amputees as an upper body ergometer and trainer. Monark Ergomedic Rehab Trainer 881 E Monark Rehab Trainer 881 E can be used as either a leg or arm ergometer. It is suitable for use either in the home or in hospitals, where a physiotherapist can pre-scribe an exercise program, but is not always present to supervise it.

The Monark 881E Rehab Trainer can be used as either a leg or arm ergometer. Monark Exercise AB 881E Rehab TrainerThe Monark 881E rehab trainer performs as either an arm or leg ergometer, making it especially useful for people who. Medical Products > Medical Testing Products > Monark Ergonometers