System update failed and maybe you need to switch back to Intel Graphics to make it work Updated to 10.15.4 but I had no idea how.GPU is quite cool without any power management ( better than Windows 10 about the same now after some driver updates).I used Turbo Boost Swicther to disable intel turbo boost.Nvidia cards won't work and don't even try it (for high sierra and below only).Wait patiently for Time Machine to setup (it is only slow for the first backup).Clover Configurator is compatible with macOS 10. The Clover Configurator app is organized around two major functionalities.
Sadly, I had to change to an AMD card to make it work In addition, Clover Configurator can check for the latest Clover EFI revision, and helps you download and install the bootloader.I couldn't get it to work with Intel Graphics only (no egpu), the best ProductName was macmini for me but flickering didn't stop (other names will just show a green screen Download Clover Bootloader For Windows 10 If you want to install Clover on the EFI partition on Windows, simply use the mountvol or diskpart.Remember to install kexts with Hackintool.Use MonitorControl to adjust monitor volume and brightness.Clover Configuration and Hackintool are recommended.You will need to use config_ist during your installation and system updates.Check this guide for preparation on tonymacx86 and use it as a generic guide.
Also, it might be better to install Mac OS first and then install Windows How to install If you see no enough space while using disk utility, you have to create an EFI partition with at least 200MB (199MB won't work). Now, it is quite stable and I don't have to wait for a long time in order to use it. The best alternative is Pref Setter, which is free. There are three alternatives to Clover Configurator Pro.app for Mac, Windows and Linux. Clover Configurator Pro.app is described as 'Clover-Configurator-Pro - A free Plist Editor with some optional facilities for Clover UEFI boot loader' and is an app. It is recommended to turn off RECYCLE BIN on Windows because the HDD might not pass the fsck_exfat on Mac OS. Clover Configurator Pro.app Alternatives.